• the Pet Parents' Pack


    "Uniquely Yours" Designed for your pet!

    獨一無二 原創設計 by Wonderland Kid Studio

  • About the Pet Parents' Pack

    Turn your favorite furry friend into a bona fide, worldwide star! 

    the Pack 福袋

    This is your pet's own personal branding kit, introduce your celebrity to everyone! 大秀你滿滿的愛給全世界知道你有多愛他!

    Products 產品

    All products are printed on high quality, non-toxic materials made in Taiwan. 所有商品全部使用無毒材質, 高品質印刷技術產製。

    How it is made? 客製化流程

    After purchase, we need 2-3 pictures to make your special design, send pictures with your order number and the model of your cellphone, preferred color of towel, then we will take care of the rest! 下單後我們需要2-3張您最愛的照片, 寄送照片、手機型號、喜歡的顏色和訂單編碼到信箱後, 就可以期待你的專屬大福袋拉!

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